Join us in wishing Cissy well as she ventures on to new adventures. Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
You have been my mentor, my support, my friend through our many years together at Verizon. We've made such a great team for so many projects and events. It's hard to imagine not having you here. For all the wonderful support you've provided all of us, it will come back to you 10 fold. You're a caring manager and an awesome person. I wish you and your family the very best as you venture into your next career. Keep in touch through all the social media; you know where to find me. :)
Cissy, it has been a pleasure to get to know and work with you. I have appreciated your sense of friendship and warmth which you extend to all those with whom you work, myself included. As one whom you led, I learned from your leadership, and focused direction, and have benefitted from your personal and professional counsel. God bless as you move onto you next endeavors. Vaya Con Dios my friend. David De La Rosa
Thank you for your leadership, guidance, support, and friendship. I'm forever grateful to you for breathing new life into my career at a time when I didn't think I had anything left. Your dedication, commitment for what is right, inspiration, and compassion for us didn't go unnoticed, you helped mold us into better employees, teammates, and more importantly better people. I wish for you and your family life's greatest happiness and rewards.
Cheers to you Cissy, you'll be missed!! Fred Rollins
We didn't know each other long, but we connected immediately and I consider you a friend. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors. I know you will have fun and do great things and I know we will keep in touch to share and laugh together, so for now, I'll just say "see ya later". ~Maria~
Way back when we were in class together, you had 3 big goals you wanted to accomplish by a certain young age & you managed to make them all, long ago - a rare feat. With your ability to envision your goals and make them come true, I have no doubt that your post Verizon life will be wonderful. :-)
I hope you have the summer off to lie on the grass and watch the clouds drift by, & eat popsicles on the porch steps, & stay up late to watch for fireflies and falling stars, if that's something you would like before you get back into any kind of full-time routine.
You have been a friend, peer, mentor and support system for many years. I am so fortunate to know you! You are an inspiration and always bring out the best in people! If anyone can find a silver lining, you are that person!!! I wish you all the best and am certain you will find a fulfilling new chapter in your life. I know that we will continue to stay in touch!
Cissy I am lucky to have had the chance to work with you here at Verizon and Bell Atlantic. Your bright attitude made it easy to tackle problems together and your can-do approach to everything was ingrained in your team’s spirit too. You’re already missed here at Verizon. All the best to you and your family!
Cissy, It is hard to imagine Verizon without Cissy George. You are a great mentor and friend. The opportunities and advice you have given me through the years will never be forgotten. Erik Gustafson
Cissy, I wish you the best in your new endeavors! I've really enjoyed working with you over the years. Wishing you and your family health and happiness.
Cissy, as I think back over the years, wow, we worked together a long time! Far too many to recall all of them, there were good times, great times, and some hard times, too. What I recall through all of them, though, is how you went beyond being a boss, you were a leader, a mentor and a friend as well. Now, I wish you success in whatever becomes your new career path, and I wish as well for you and your family, much happiness and peace. -Don DeHaven
Thank you for all the SWE/ Recruitment events you held at UMass. There would not be as many UMass grads working at Verizon without your support, I know I would not be! Thank you for taking me under your wing once I got the job offer from Verizon and showing me around your office and giving me more information on Verizon before I even officially started working. Once I started working, I would not have been as involved if you had not introduced me to WAVE and given me so much leadership advice. Thank you so much for being an amazing mentor and teaching me so much. Please keep in touch and good luck in your next steps!
Thank you for everything you did for me. Thank you for adding me to your mentoring group, for taking the time to teach us, talk with us and for always being honest. Much success in your future endeavors and please keep in touch!!
Cissy, I will cherish your professional mentorship, the time and effort you put into developing our careers right alongside your own. You were driven, focused, and always watchful to do the right thing for the company and its employees. On a more personal level, I will be grateful for the friendly encouragement during trying times, and helping me balance both work and life together. We are not robots but rather individuals, each with our own strengths and weaknesses. You brought out the very best in all of us, and I wish you and your family great happiness and love. Enjoy life's little moments of joy. Sincerely, Melissa Flynn (and little Caroline)
Well, there is no possible way I can appropriately express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude since there is no place for tears. I know we already feel like we are missing something in our lives, and that is your wonderful disposition and your caring attitude. It takes a special person to be so cherished and loved. That is something you leave with me, which I will use as a guidepost for the future. We should all strive to reach the bar you have set. It is a legacy that we will all be proud to emulate. I miss you already. Go Terps!
Cissy, All my Best Wishes for you and your family! I've really missed seeing and talking to you since the Marlborough days. It's been a pleasure knowing you and working with you at WAVE functions. I especially remember the WAVE conferences - such great experiences! Thank you for mentoring me as well - we will all miss you! Happy Trails! - Hope our paths cross again. Ann (Gwyther)
It's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you for all your kind words and support over the years. Hope you will be able to get out to more Pats games. Best wishes and GO PATS!
Cissy, it has been a pleasure working for you over the past years. Your wonderful attitude and talent in caring for your people are admired and treasured by many of those inside and outside our group. We're really gonna miss your can-do spirit in taking on challenges. I know you will be successful in the next chapter of your life. Thank you, Bob Singleton
Cissy, You have always been one of my favorites in the "business". Best wishes to you as you move on to the next phase of your life, and regardless of whatever that is I know you will be successful. I hope retirement is in the near future because it's the best thing ever!
Cissy, You have always been one of my favorites in the "business". Best wishes to you as you move on to the next phase of your life, and regardless of whatever that is I know you will be successful. I hope retirement is in the near future because it's the best thing ever! Joe Snyder
I wish you the best in your life and new endeavors! I appreciated your interest and support during the DNC, FiOS Video Content Collection and throughout my time working for you at Verizon. I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy your summer and find this next chapter in your life to be a happy and rewarding one.
Cissy.....will never forget your efforts in promoting me to Lead Engineer........will also NEVER forget the personal note from you to my home upon my mom's passing in say I will never forget you and will miss you immensely is an understatement. I wish you and your family nothing but health & happiness going forward........Sincerely: Sal DiLapi
Cissy, Verizon has no idea what they are losing! It was my distinct pleasure to have known and worked with you. During my career at Verizon I was afforded the rare opportunity of being allowed by my boss at that time (Paul Lacouture) to personally build a team of the very best, most professional leaders ever. And it was my good fortune to be able add you to that amazing team so many years ago. I cannot enumerate the number of times that you stepped up to perform the impossible. You were always willing to accept the most difficult challenges, ones that most others shied away from.
I often joked that your number one job was to "keep me out of jail", and to that end, you always succeeded! Even when I had personal doubts about being able to meet the most demanding, and often completely arbitrary timeframes of certain projects assigned to us, you never ceased to amaze. Your work ethic and professionalism are second to none! Your were always respected by your peers, admired by those above you that knew you (including many Corporate Officers) and truly loved by those that worked for you! Your team, and many others in Verizon, are going to miss you for a long, long time.
If ever I can do anything to help you in the second half of your career, please do not hesitate to contact me. My best to you and your family.
Most Sincerely, Bill Judge
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile!
Cissy, Each day I check sametime to see if you are there.... Missing you!!!! Your smile - Your help - Your knowledge - Your willingness to jump in and do whatever it takes to get the job done. I am not great with words but know in my heart that you are my dearest friend and no matter where you are I am always here for you - as I know you are always there for me!!! I wish you the most wonderful and exciting next chapters!!! Enjoy!! the best is yet to be.....
Wishing you and your family health, happiness & love, always.
Cissy, I will never forget the first day I met you when you introduced yourself to Louise Adams and me at the WAVE Annual Meeting. Your warmth, genuine interest in helping employees succeed and passion for what you do was clearly evident in the two years that I had the privilege of working with you on the WAVE NY/NJ BOD. You always had a way of making me feel extraordinary each time I ran into you around the Basking Ridge campus. I too will leave one of my favorite quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Verizon and WAVE are better, having enjoyed the "Cissy effect." Please stay in touch. Warm wishes and wishing you continued success in everything, Molly
Cissy, I have to say you are one of the best leaders I have had the privilege of working with. You have always had the people as number 1 but also always accomplished every project. You caring for the individual and your warm smile are the two things I will miss most. Thank you for all the good times. Verizon and everyone still with Verizon will miss you each and every day. Best wishes to you and your family.
Hi Cissy, You were a very dedicated professional at Verizon, but also a very caring person towards all the people you interacted with. You did your job extremely well (except when it came to New Jersey capital of course) while also taking care of your people. All these tributes given here are testimony to that.
I wish you the best in the next phase of your life, and thanks for keeping in touch with me. I still owe you a dinner, so let me know if you get back to Joysey as it would be great to see you.
It was great to work with you. I always appreciated your calm demeanor and spirit of cooperation regardless of the circumstances. I know that many folks have enjoyed your leadership style, and used it as a model for their own careers over the years.
Best of everything in the future to you and your family. You will be missed.
Thank you for all that you've done for me in the past 6 years. I could never repay you for the countless hours of mentorship that you've provided, but I will do my best to pay it forward. I was shocked to hear that you were leaving Verizon, but I know that your drive and personality will provide you with continued success.
We will continue to touch base frequently, but I will truly miss the ability to drop into your office and talk shop. I wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life!
It's been a long road since we met in a management training class at the Marlboro Learning Center. I've always enjoyed working with you and you were always one of the first people to jump into the deep end on any challenge. You always had a smile on your face and set a professional example for the rest of us.
Cissy, Thank you for being an influential part of my Verizon career. We never met face to face, but I heard you speak at a WAVE conference and was inspired by your leadership. Best wishes for your future, enjoy!
Cissy, I’ve always admired your enthusiasm, dedication and caring for each individual. One measure of leadership that I have involves how a person feels after interacting with a leader. In my interactions with you I always came out feeling positive, motivated and energized. You will be greatly missed.
I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors, and many blessings to you and your family. Al Hamel
It was a pleasure working with you during the time of your leadership with the former BRCC. During that time, I would also like to thank you for the opportunities you gave me in leading the New England Roll Out, as well as the startup of the infamous Sell One More Program. You always were a positive and inspiring role model and influence to me. Most admirable, were your several long term active roles within WAVE and your overall advocacy of learning, networking and promotion for Women in the Workplace. It was my pleasure to hold a seat with you on the NY/NJ Board of Directors under your leadership as President. I am truly disappointed that we never were given the chance to work together again on the business side. I constantly find myself saying, "Everything happens for a reason", and it always does turn out for the best. You deserve only the best! I wish you luck and happiness in all of your future endeavors! You will be missed dearly!
Cissy, we started at the same time and will be leaving at the same time. You are one of the good leaders, of which there are far too few in Verizon. I wish you the very best in whatever awaits you.
Wishing you much happiness in your next chapter! We will all miss your smile and positive outlook. You and your family deserve all good things. If you are ever down our way in Maryland again, please look me up!
I've only had the pleasure of interacting with you through WAVE. It has truly been an honor to serve on the Board of Directors with you. During your term as WAVE President you were very inspiring and encouraging. I admire your dedication and commitment to empowering women in business and only wish I could have spent more time under your leadership. I wish you the very best because you deserve it.
Cissy, Wishing you the best for the future. It has always been a pleasure working with you and your team. Wherever you end up will be lucky you have arrived.
Since the beginning when you first hired me as an intern I have looked up to you. Your passion is inspiring and your ability to motivate and positively influence those around you is simply remarkable. And I haven’t crossed paths with anyone in my 8 years here that doesn’t feel the same way! I will miss having you here and can only hope to one day be half the leader that you have been. Thank you for all you have done for me. I would say good luck but I don’t think you will need it :)
It was indeed a pleasure to have worked with you over the years. You will certainly be missed, but you can hold your head high knowing that you were always admired as a dedicated professional, with work ethics of the highest standard. I wish you and your family all the best in your future endeavors.
And remember the saying; “Don’t take life too serious, it is not permanent!
Cissy, Where do I begin? Working with you has been a joy. In addition to the wonderful teamwork, our home life conversations have been most enjoyable. You are truly the "working woman" model we all aspire to . Best wishes to you!!!!
Cissy, I will miss you. I started my career in Marlboro, and you were the most approachable leader there. Thank you for your warmth and openness you've always shown me. Your legacy carries on. Best wishes to you in the future!
Cissy, It was a pleasure getting to know you and working for you in the Capital Management group all those years. I remember when we first met in Marlboro and we realized that our parents had been such good friends many years ago and that our dads had worked together. Such a small world! I wish you the best in the next chapter of your life! I can't believe that I have been retired almost three years! Hope to bump into you again at Patriots Place! Best wishes! Fondly, Pam McCarthy
It has been my honor and privilege to work with someone who was always the ultimate professional and true team player. No matter what the project or problem you were given, you always gave it 110% and with a smile on your face. I appreciate all of the support you have given me over the years and I will miss not having you a "Sametime" away. Best of luck on your future endeavors and wishing you and your family good health and happiness. Hope to see you on Cape Cod this summer!
Cissy.... I wish you all the best in your next ventures! I know you will do well. You always brought great energy and enthusiasm to the Verizon team and we will all miss that upbeat style. I have appreciated your friendship, coaching. insights, and of course, humor over the years. My best to you and your family. Stay in touch.
Cissy, It was a pleasure working with you all these years. There is little to add to what others have already said, you will indeed be sorely missed. All best wishes on your future endeavors. Fiona
You are truly one of the best people I have ever worked with at Verizon. You always had a "can do" attitude to anything that got thrown you way. I think of all the short fused action items that would have driven anyone crazy but you would just take them on in your typical positive manner and deliver the results. Wishing you and your family all the best as you embark on your new chapter in life. I won't say goodbye because I know we'll stay in touch. We'll go down memory lane as we drink cocktails on the Cape this summer : )
It was great to work with you over the last couple of years. You always focused on the problem but we knew we would enjoy working the issues with you. I appreciated our conversations and will miss being able to "ping" you for advice and consultation. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
Cissy, I consider myself one of the lucky one who has had the pleasure of knowing you for all these many years, working for you and learning from you. Your amazing attitude taught many of us a valuable lesson in perseverance and professionalism while always keeping that great smile shining. Like many, I not only consider you a Verizon colleague but most important, a friend. I wish you all the best things in the future. Gene Garavelli.
Cissy - It was a great pleasure working with you, but more importantly, to gain a friend. You always have a positive attitude that is contagious and I'm excited to see what lies ahead for you in your future ventures. I'm sure big things are coming your way! Best wishes and talk soon! Monica Patrick
Cissy - I knew I had made a life long friendship from our first days as the "new" IOF managers in Marlboro in the early 90's. We spent so much time on those early Delta Shuttle flights to NYC as we worked with the new regional IOF team. The many visits we made to UMASS Amherst interviewing engineering candidates and supporting the Engineering Career Days. There is not enough space for me to write about all the projects we shared and the good times we had both in and outside of work. Remember, we still have that book to write!!! GO UMASS!!!! Judy MacClellan
I really can't imagine not working on something with you and you not being at Verizon. I feel so honored that you so long ago picked me to work with you on the OSP magazine project. That turned into a great partnership that is still continuing today. We have continued to work together on other projects and I have learned so much from you. During organizational/position changes we wouldn’t get to work together and I was so glad when you would come back into the organization I was working in. You are always smiling and genuinely cared. It was so easy to work with you no matter how hard the project. It was difficult for many, including me to call you their Director and not “My friend Cissy” because you were friends with most everyone you worked with. I am really going to miss working with you but I hope when you are in Baltimore we can still have lunch together!
You are one of the most influential people to my development in career and life and I will truly miss you at Verizon. You have been a mentor to me in college, internship, and as I embark on my own career. I can only hope to gain the respect and appreciation from as many people as you have helped.
I’m sure wherever the next chapter in your life takes you; you’ll bring excellence and fun! Verizon is missing out. Speak to you soon.
It has been my pleasure to have worked with you. I wish you and your family all that life has to offer and much more! Good luck in all of your future endeavors. I am sure that only excellence is ahead of you!
Cissy, It's been a pleasure working with you all these years. You have such a positive attitude and have been such a great inspiration. Best of luck to you and your family. You will be truly missed!!
ReplyDeleteYou have been my mentor, my support, my friend through our many years together at Verizon. We've made such a great team for so many projects and events. It's hard to imagine not having you here. For all the wonderful support you've provided all of us, it will come back to you 10 fold. You're a caring manager and an awesome person. I wish you and your family the very best as you venture into your next career. Keep in touch through all the social media; you know where to find me. :)
Best Wishes,
Bich Nguyen
Cissy, it has been a pleasure to get to know and work with you. I have appreciated your sense of friendship and warmth which you extend to all those with whom you work, myself included. As one whom you led, I learned from your leadership, and focused direction, and have benefitted from your personal and professional counsel. God bless as you move onto you next endeavors. Vaya Con Dios my friend. David De La Rosa
ReplyDeleteThank you for your leadership, guidance, support, and friendship. I'm forever grateful to you for breathing new life into my career at a time when I didn't think I had anything left. Your dedication, commitment for what is right, inspiration, and compassion for us didn't go unnoticed, you helped mold us into better employees, teammates, and more importantly better people. I wish for you and your family life's greatest happiness and rewards.
Cheers to you Cissy, you'll be missed!!
Fred Rollins
We didn't know each other long, but we connected immediately and I consider you a friend. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors. I know you will have fun and do great things and I know we will keep in touch to share and laugh together, so for now, I'll just say "see ya later". ~Maria~
ReplyDeleteHey Cissy,
ReplyDeleteWay back when we were in class together, you had 3 big goals you wanted to accomplish by a certain young age & you managed to make them all, long ago - a rare feat. With your ability to envision your goals and make them come true, I have no doubt that your post Verizon life will be wonderful. :-)
I hope you have the summer off to lie on the grass and watch the clouds drift by, & eat popsicles on the porch steps, & stay up late to watch for fireflies and falling stars, if that's something you would like before you get back into any kind of full-time routine.
You will be missed! A lot!! <3
Nancy Moore
ReplyDeleteYou have been a friend, peer, mentor and support system for many years. I am so fortunate to know you! You are an inspiration and always bring out the best in people! If anyone can find a silver lining, you are that person!!! I wish you all the best and am certain you will find a fulfilling new chapter in your life. I know that we will continue to stay in touch!
Be happy, be well and keep smiling!!!!
Val Plummer
ReplyDeleteI am lucky to have had the chance to work with you here at Verizon and Bell Atlantic. Your bright attitude made it easy to tackle problems together and your can-do approach to everything was ingrained in your team’s spirit too. You’re already missed here at Verizon. All the best to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to imagine Verizon without Cissy George. You are a great mentor and friend. The opportunities and advice you have given me through the years will never be forgotten.
Erik Gustafson
Cissy, I wish you the best in your new endeavors! I've really enjoyed working with you over the years. Wishing you and your family health and happiness.
ReplyDeleteMatt Noren
Cissy - thank you for all that you shared with me - your time , your talent and your treasures - Best Wishes Maureen
ReplyDeleteCissy, as I think back over the years, wow, we worked together a long time! Far too many to recall all of them, there were good times, great times, and some hard times, too. What I recall through all of them, though, is how you went beyond being a boss, you were a leader, a mentor and a friend as well. Now, I wish you success in whatever becomes your new career path, and I wish as well for you and your family, much happiness and peace. -Don DeHaven
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the SWE/ Recruitment events you held at UMass. There would not be as many UMass grads working at Verizon without your support, I know I would not be! Thank you for taking me under your wing once I got the job offer from Verizon and showing me around your office and giving me more information on Verizon before I even officially started working. Once I started working, I would not have been as involved if you had not introduced me to WAVE and given me so much leadership advice. Thank you so much for being an amazing mentor and teaching me so much. Please keep in touch and good luck in your next steps!
Kate Fay
ReplyDeleteThank you for everything you did for me. Thank you for adding me to your mentoring group, for taking the time to teach us, talk with us and for always being honest. Much success in your future endeavors and please keep in touch!!
ReplyDeleteI will cherish your professional mentorship, the time and effort you put into developing our careers right alongside your own. You were driven, focused, and always watchful to do the right thing for the company and its employees. On a more personal level, I will be grateful for the friendly encouragement during trying times, and helping me balance both work and life together. We are not robots but rather individuals, each with our own strengths and weaknesses. You brought out the very best in all of us, and I wish you and your family great happiness and love. Enjoy life's little moments of joy.
Melissa Flynn (and little Caroline)
Well, there is no possible way I can appropriately express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude since there is no place for tears. I know we already feel like we are missing something in our lives, and that is your wonderful disposition and your caring attitude. It takes a special person to be so cherished and loved. That is something you leave with me, which I will use as a guidepost for the future. We should all strive to reach the bar you have set. It is a legacy that we will all be proud to emulate. I miss you already.
ReplyDeleteGo Terps!
ReplyDeleteAll my Best Wishes for you and your family! I've really missed seeing and talking to you since the Marlborough days. It's been a pleasure knowing you and working with you at WAVE functions. I especially remember the WAVE conferences - such great experiences! Thank you for mentoring me as well - we will all miss you! Happy Trails! - Hope our paths cross again. Ann (Gwyther)
ReplyDeleteIt's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you for all your kind words and support over the years. Hope you will be able to get out to more Pats games. Best wishes and GO PATS!
Ron and Kathy Burrowes
Cissy, it has been a pleasure working for you over the past years. Your wonderful attitude and talent in caring for your people are admired and treasured by many of those inside and outside our group. We're really gonna miss your can-do spirit in taking on challenges. I know you will be successful in the next chapter of your life. Thank you, Bob Singleton
ReplyDeleteYou have always been one of my favorites in the "business". Best wishes to you as you move on to the next phase of your life, and regardless of whatever that is I know you will be successful. I hope retirement is in the near future because it's the best thing ever!
DeleteYou have always been one of my favorites in the "business". Best wishes to you as you move on to the next phase of your life, and regardless of whatever that is I know you will be successful. I hope retirement is in the near future because it's the best thing ever!
Joe Snyder
ReplyDeleteI wish you the best in your life and new endeavors! I appreciated your interest and support during the DNC, FiOS Video Content Collection and throughout my time working for you at Verizon. I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy your summer and find this next chapter in your life to be a happy and rewarding one.
Best wishes you and your family,
Larry Sugarman
Cissy.....will never forget your efforts in promoting me to Lead Engineer........will also NEVER forget the personal note from you to my home upon my mom's passing in say I will never forget you and will miss you immensely is an understatement. I wish you and your family nothing but health & happiness going forward........Sincerely: Sal DiLapi
ReplyDeleteVerizon has no idea what they are losing! It was my distinct pleasure to have known and worked with you. During my career at Verizon I was afforded the rare opportunity of being allowed by my boss at that time (Paul Lacouture) to personally build a team of the very best, most professional leaders ever. And it was my good fortune to be able add you to that amazing team so many years ago. I cannot enumerate the number of times that you stepped up to perform the impossible. You were always willing to accept the most difficult challenges, ones that most others shied away from.
I often joked that your number one job was to "keep me out of jail", and to that end, you always succeeded! Even when I had personal doubts about being able to meet the most demanding, and often completely arbitrary timeframes of certain projects assigned to us, you never ceased to amaze. Your work ethic and professionalism are second to none! Your were always respected by your peers, admired by those above you that knew you (including many Corporate Officers) and truly loved by those that worked for you! Your team, and many others in Verizon, are going to miss you for a long, long time.
If ever I can do anything to help you in the second half of your career, please do not hesitate to contact me. My best to you and your family.
Most Sincerely,
Bill Judge
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably.
And never regret anything that made you smile!
ReplyDeleteEach day I check sametime to see if you are there.... Missing you!!!! Your smile - Your help - Your knowledge - Your willingness to jump in and do whatever it takes to get the job done. I am not great with words but know in my heart that you are my dearest friend and no matter where you are I am always here for you - as I know you are always there for me!!! I wish you the most wonderful and exciting next chapters!!! Enjoy!! the best is yet to be.....
Wishing you and your family health, happiness & love, always.
ReplyDeleteI will never forget the first day I met you when you introduced yourself to Louise Adams and me at the WAVE Annual Meeting. Your warmth, genuine interest in helping employees succeed and passion for what you do was clearly evident in the two years that I had the privilege of working with you on the WAVE NY/NJ BOD. You always had a way of making me feel extraordinary each time I ran into you around the Basking Ridge campus.
I too will leave one of my favorite quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
Verizon and WAVE are better, having enjoyed the "Cissy effect."
Please stay in touch.
Warm wishes and wishing you continued success in everything,
Cissy, I have to say you are one of the best leaders I have had the privilege of working with. You have always had the people as number 1 but also always accomplished every project. You caring for the individual and your warm smile are the two things I will miss most. Thank you for all the good times. Verizon and everyone still with Verizon will miss you each and every day. Best wishes to you and your family.
Hi Cissy,
ReplyDeleteYou were a very dedicated professional at Verizon, but also a very caring person towards all the people you interacted with. You did your job extremely well (except when it came to New Jersey capital of course) while also taking care of your people. All these tributes given here are testimony to that.
I wish you the best in the next phase of your life, and thanks for keeping in touch with me. I still owe you a dinner, so let me know if you get back to Joysey as it would be great to see you.
Jim Muccilo
ReplyDeleteIt was great to work with you. I always appreciated your calm demeanor and spirit of cooperation regardless of the circumstances. I know that many folks have enjoyed your leadership style, and used it as a model for their own careers over the years.
Best of everything in the future to you and your family. You will be missed.
Paul Major
ReplyDeleteThank you for all that you've done for me in the past 6 years. I could never repay you for the countless hours of mentorship that you've provided, but I will do my best to pay it forward. I was shocked to hear that you were leaving Verizon, but I know that your drive and personality will provide you with continued success.
We will continue to touch base frequently, but I will truly miss the ability to drop into your office and talk shop. I wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long road since we met in a management training class at the Marlboro Learning Center. I've always enjoyed working with you and you were always one of the first people to jump into the deep end on any challenge. You always had a smile on your face and set a professional example for the rest of us.
I wish you and your family nothing but the best.
Mike Daigle
Cissy, Thank you for being an influential part of my Verizon career. We never met face to face, but I heard you speak at a WAVE conference and was inspired by your leadership. Best wishes for your future, enjoy!
ReplyDeleteAllison Thomas
ReplyDeleteI’ve always admired your enthusiasm, dedication and caring for each individual. One measure of leadership that I have involves how a person feels after interacting with a leader. In my interactions with you I always came out feeling positive, motivated and energized. You will be greatly missed.
I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors, and many blessings to you and your family. Al Hamel
ReplyDeleteIt was a pleasure working with you during the time of your leadership with the former BRCC. During that time, I would also like to thank you for the opportunities you gave me in leading the New England Roll Out, as well as the startup of the infamous Sell One More Program. You always were a positive and inspiring role model and influence to me. Most admirable, were your several long term active roles within WAVE and your overall advocacy of learning, networking and promotion for Women in the Workplace. It was my pleasure to hold a seat with you on the NY/NJ Board of Directors under your leadership as President. I am truly disappointed that we never were given the chance to work together again on the business side. I constantly find myself saying, "Everything happens for a reason", and it always does turn out for the best. You deserve only the best! I wish you luck and happiness in all of your future endeavors! You will be missed dearly!
Renne Leeber
Cissy, we started at the same time and will be leaving at the same time. You are one of the good leaders, of which there are far too few in Verizon. I wish you the very best in whatever awaits you.
ReplyDeleteWishing you much happiness in your next chapter! We will all miss your smile and positive outlook. You and your family deserve all good things. If you are ever down our way in Maryland again, please look me up!
ReplyDeleteHi Cissy,
ReplyDeleteI've only had the pleasure of interacting with you through WAVE. It has truly been an honor to serve on the Board of Directors with you. During your term as WAVE President you were very inspiring and encouraging. I admire your dedication and commitment to empowering women in business and only wish I could have spent more time under your leadership. I wish you the very best because you deserve it.
Take Care,
Wendy Holmes
Cissy, Wishing you the best for the future. It has always been a pleasure working with you and your team. Wherever you end up will be lucky you have arrived.
ReplyDeleteTake Care,
Tom Evans
ReplyDeleteSince the beginning when you first hired me as an intern I have looked up to you. Your passion is inspiring and your ability to motivate and positively influence those around you is simply remarkable. And I haven’t crossed paths with anyone in my 8 years here that doesn’t feel the same way! I will miss having you here and can only hope to one day be half the leader that you have been. Thank you for all you have done for me. I would say good luck but I don’t think you will need it :)
Keep in touch!
Jen MacRae
Classy Cissy,
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed a pleasure to have worked with you over the years. You will certainly be missed, but you can hold your head high knowing that you were always admired as a dedicated professional, with work ethics of the highest standard. I wish you and your family all the best in your future endeavors.
And remember the saying; “Don’t take life too serious, it is not permanent!
Cissy, Where do I begin? Working with you has been a joy. In addition to the wonderful teamwork, our home life conversations have been most enjoyable. You are truly the "working woman" model we all aspire to . Best wishes to you!!!!
ReplyDeleteCissy, I will miss you. I started my career in Marlboro, and you were the most approachable leader there. Thank you for your warmth and openness you've always shown me. Your legacy carries on. Best wishes to you in the future!
ReplyDeleteCissy, It was a pleasure getting to know you and working for you in the Capital Management group all those years. I remember when we first met in Marlboro and we realized that our parents had been such good friends many years ago and that our dads had worked together. Such a small world! I wish you the best in the next chapter of your life! I can't believe that I have been retired almost three years! Hope to bump into you again at Patriots Place! Best wishes! Fondly, Pam McCarthy
ReplyDeleteIt has been my honor and privilege to work with someone who was always the ultimate professional and true team player. No matter what the project or problem you were given, you always gave it 110% and with a smile on your face. I appreciate all of the support you have given me over the years and I will miss not having you a "Sametime" away. Best of luck on your future endeavors and wishing you and your family good health and happiness. Hope to see you on Cape Cod this summer!
Cissy.... I wish you all the best in your next ventures! I know you will do well. You always brought great energy and enthusiasm to the Verizon team and we will all miss that upbeat style. I have appreciated your friendship, coaching. insights, and of course, humor over the years. My best to you and your family. Stay in touch.
Cissy, It was a pleasure working with you all these years. There is little to add to what others have already said, you will indeed be sorely missed. All best wishes on your future endeavors. Fiona
ReplyDeleteYou are truly one of the best people I have ever worked with at Verizon. You always had a "can do" attitude to anything that got thrown you way. I think of all the short fused action items that would have driven anyone crazy but you would just take them on in your typical positive manner and deliver the results. Wishing you and your family all the best as you embark on your new chapter in life. I won't say goodbye because I know we'll stay in touch. We'll go down memory lane as we drink cocktails on the Cape this summer : )
ReplyDeleteThere is simply nobody better, and Verizon is diminished by your leaving. I already miss you, and wish you all the best always.
ReplyDeleteIt was great to work with you over the last couple of years. You always focused on the problem but we knew we would enjoy working the issues with you. I appreciated our conversations and will miss being able to "ping" you for advice and consultation. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI consider myself one of the lucky one who has had the pleasure of knowing you for all these many years, working for you and learning from you. Your amazing attitude taught many of us a valuable lesson in perseverance and professionalism while always keeping that great smile shining. Like many, I not only consider you a Verizon colleague but most important, a friend. I wish you all the best things in the future. Gene Garavelli.
Cissy -
ReplyDeleteIt was a great pleasure working with you, but more importantly, to gain a friend. You always have a positive attitude that is contagious and I'm excited to see what lies ahead for you in your future ventures. I'm sure big things are coming your way!
Best wishes and talk soon!
Monica Patrick
Cissy - I knew I had made a life long friendship from our first days as the "new" IOF managers in Marlboro in the early 90's. We spent so much time on those early Delta Shuttle flights to NYC as we worked with the new regional IOF team. The many visits we made to UMASS Amherst interviewing engineering candidates and supporting the Engineering Career Days. There is not enough space for me to write about all the projects we shared and the good times we had both in and outside of work. Remember, we still have that book to write!!! GO UMASS!!!!
ReplyDeleteJudy MacClellan
ReplyDeleteI really can't imagine not working on something with you and you not being at Verizon. I feel so honored that you so long ago picked me to work with you on the OSP magazine project. That turned into a great partnership that is still continuing today. We have continued to work together on other projects and I have learned so much from you. During organizational/position changes we wouldn’t get to work together and I was so glad when you would come back into the organization I was working in. You are always smiling and genuinely cared. It was so easy to work with you no matter how hard the project. It was difficult for many, including me to call you their Director and not “My friend Cissy” because you were friends with most everyone you worked with. I am really going to miss working with you but I hope when you are in Baltimore we can still have lunch together!
Kim Morris
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the most influential people to my development in career and life and I will truly miss you at Verizon. You have been a mentor to me in college, internship, and as I embark on my own career. I can only hope to gain the respect and appreciation from as many people as you have helped.
I’m sure wherever the next chapter in your life takes you; you’ll bring excellence and fun! Verizon is missing out. Speak to you soon.
Chris Andrianopoulos
ReplyDeleteIt has been my pleasure to have worked with you. I wish you and your family all that life has to offer and much more! Good luck in all of your future endeavors. I am sure that only excellence is ahead of you!
-Shari Griffin
ReplyDeleteIt's been a pleasure working with you all these years. You have such a positive attitude and have been such a great inspiration. Best of luck to you and your family. You will be truly missed!!
Patty Cook
test 11/19/18